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In Clear Focus

Jul 25, 2023

IN CLEAR FOCUS: An interview with Jay Mandel, author of Brand Strategy in Three Steps: A Purpose-Driven Approach to Branding, Bigeye's featured book for July. Jay discusses how, after leaving corporate America, he spent five years teaching, consulting, and coaching - and why he wanted to reflect on his experiences in...

Jul 18, 2023

IN CLEAR FOCUS: Experts in sustainable development, retail, innovation, and consumer behavior explore the challenges and opportunities for marketing sustainability. We discuss topics including the shift to a purpose-driven economy, the advertising industry's impact on carbon emissions, and ways in which brand marketers...

Jul 11, 2023

IN CLEAR FOCUS: Brainsights' CEO Kevin Keane discusses leveraging consumer brain data for creative effectiveness and optimizing brand integrations through salience, storytelling, and support. Based on consumer research, Kevin also reveals new data on the power of audio branding and explains how brands can imbue fresh...

Jul 4, 2023

IN CLEAR FOCUS: Josh Bernoff, author of "Build a Better Business Book," shares insights about writing and publishing successful business books. Josh offers tips for planning, outlining chapters, and eliminating writer's block. He discusses co-authoring, ghostwriting, and publishing models. Josh also provides expert...